ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 6 of 9
Algologia 2008, 18(2): 173–182
Flora and Geography

Peculiarities of the species composition of epiphytic algae of water bodies of the city of Kiev

Kharchenko G.V.

Data on the species composition of phytoepiphyton of four ecological groups of vascular aquatic plants occurring in different water bodies of the city of Kiev are given for the first time. A total of 301 species of algae represented by 326 infraspecific taxa were found as a result of investigations carried out in 2005-2007. Ecological characteristics of epiphytic algae were taken into account in analyzing the species composition of epiphytic algae.

Keywords: phytoepiphyton, species composition, vascular aquatic plants, Kiev

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