ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 8 of 12
Algologia 2008, 18(3): 306–318
Flora and Geography

Peculiarities of the species composition of phytoplnkton in the Southern Bug River in the region of the city of Vinnitsa (Ukraine)

Tsarenko-Belous E.P.1, 2, KlochenkoP.D.3

The composition of the planktonic algae in the Southern Bug River in the region of the city of Vinnitsa is studied, and specificity of its systematic diversity is estimated. The dominant algo complexes are revealed, and their quantitative parameters are presented. The reasons of transformation in the phytoplankton species composition of different areas of the river and a degree of their pollution by the presence of algae-indicators are discussed.

Keywords: the Southern Bug River, phytoplankton, species composition, bioindication

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