ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 5 of 9
Algologia 2009, 19(3): 294–303
Flora and Geography

Algoflora of Iranian rivers

Zarei-Darki B.

In algal flora of rivers in Iran 891 species (1040 infraspecific taxa) from 8 divisions of algae include: Cyanophyta – 111 (120), Euglenophyta – 70 (87), Chrysophyta – 11 (15), Xanthophyta – 32 (32), Bacillariophyta – 413 (511), Dinophyta – 26 (30), Cryptophyta – 6 (6), Chlorophyta – 222 species (239 inf. taxa). The data on families and genera are recorded. The structure of algae in ecological environments is analyzed. In phytoplankton are revealed 473 (525), in phytobenthos – 845 (984), and in periphyton – 176 species (194 infr. taxa).

Keywords: flora, rivers, systematic structure, phytoplankton, phytobenthos, periphyton, Iran

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