ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 5 of 10
Algologia 2012, 22(4): 393–401
Flora and Geography

Phytoplankton taxonomical structure in upper part of Southern Bug River (Ukraine)

Belous E.P.

Plankton algae species diversity in upper part of Southern Bug River was investigated in 298 species (319 infraspecific taxa). Among them, 205 species (217 infr. taxa) are new for the waterbody. Green-diatom complex is characteristic for inverstigational territory. Chlorophyta (40%), Bacillarophyta (19%), Euglenophyta (18%) and Cyanoprokaryota (12%) are dominant groups.

Keywords: algal flora, phytoplankton, taxonomical structure, Southern Bug River, upper part

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