ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 6 of 10
Algologia 2012, 22(4): 402–409
Fossil Algae

On the validity of distinguishing of some early Carboniferous genera of Dasycladates algae of the Aciculelleae Bassoullet et al. tribe (Chlorophyta)

Berchenko O.I., Sukhov O.A.

Dasycladates algae, which are assigned to the Aciculelleae fossil tribe were found in the thin sections from the Visean deposits of the Donets Basin and the Dono-Dnieper Depression. The paleontologists undestend the genera belonging to this tribe in different way. Thorough analysis of descriptions and illustrations of published Aciculelleae fossil tribe permitted to suppose that Sphinctoporella Mamet & Rudloff, 1972, and Frosterleyella Elliott as well as Diploporeae gen. indet. are synonyms of Kulikia Golubtsov, 1961.

Keywords: vise, dasycladates algae, systematic, synonyms

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