ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2013, 23(1): 65–81
Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and Their Role in Nature

Composition, quantitative and production characteristics of phytoperiphyton glass plates at different terms exposure in the Black Sea

Ryabushko L.I., Firsov Yu.K., Lokhova D.S., Eremin O.Yu.

For the first time investigated the species composition, abundance and biomass of microalgae, the intensivity of photosynthesis (R/W) and primary production (GPP) of phytoperiphyton experimental glass-plates in the Black Sea in short-term and long-term. Exposure during the period at January 2007 to March 2008 in the Karantinnay Bay (Sevastopol) at a depth of 2 m. 111 taxa of algae, including 12 species of brown, green and red, 99 taxa from five phyla of Bacillariophyta (85), Dinophyta (5), Chlorophyta (4), Haptophyta (2) and Cyanoprokaryota (3) was found. The main condition-indices obtained by the radiocarbon method. The spring (March) of maximum abundance (2180,8·103 cells·cm-2) and biomass (0,543 mg·cm-2) of diatoms, dry weight (648,0 g·m-2), GPP = 44200 mg C·m2·day-1 and R/W = 5.7 (March) and 7,62 mkg C·mg-1·h-1 (July) of phytoperiphyton were recorded.

Keywords: phytoperiphyton, microalgae, photosynthesis, primary production, Black Sea

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