ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2013, 23(2): 167–186
Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and Their Role in Nature

Periphyton Bacillariophyta of the hypereutrophic artificial lagoon around Vladivostok (Russian coast, Sea of Japan)

Begun A.A., Zvyagintsev A.Yu.

Species composition and quantitative characteristics during year-round research of periphyton diatoms on experimental plates in hypereutrophic artificial lagoon around Vladivostok are studied. Seventy-nine species and interspecific taxa by Bacillariophyceae (58), Fragilariophyceae (6) and Coscinodiscophyceae (15) classes are revealed. Total periphyton density was varied from 0.026 to 13.9 mln cells/m2, the indicators of powerfully organic water pollution α-mesosaprobionts has dominant status (80.03 %). The average annual values of species number, species diversity Shannon and evenness Pielou indexes in diatom periphyton were low (n = 9.5, H = 1.38, e = 0.39 inf. byt/m2, respectively). In winter period and early spring periphyton almost have not developed, caused by influence of negative light condition in this lagoon as a result of strong over-freezing. The features of quantitative periphyton development in year-round become formed by specific physical and hydrological lagoon conditions, as well as significant eutrophication by sewage waters, contributing to mass development of power organic pollution indicators.

Keywords: lagoon, diatoms, periphyton, saprobity, eutrophication, Sea of Japan

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