ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2014, 24(1): 75–93
Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and Their Role in Nature

Macrophytobenthos at the coasts of Osovinskaya Steppe (Azov Sea – Kerch strait, Ukraine)

Sadogursky S.Ye.

Data about space allocation, qualitative and quantitative composition of the phytobenthos at the coasts of Osovinskaya Steppe. It has been registrated 37 macrophytes species (Magnoliophyta – 2, Chlorophyta – 17, Phaeophyta – 5, Rhodophyta – 13) including 10 rare taxons which have been put in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Appendix I), The Red Book of Ukraine, Black Sea Red Data Book and Black Sea Red Data List. Species Sahlingia subintegra (Rosenv.) Kornmann, Hildenbrandia rubra (Sommerf.) Menegh. and Percursaria percursa (C. Agardh) Rosenv. have been noted from the Azov Sea in the first time. Macrophytobenthos has been localized along the shallow bays` abrasive-accumulated shores of the rocky complexes near the capes Tarkhan and the Khrony. On the hard substrates in the pseudolittoral zone of the region associations of Enteromorpha linza (L.) J. Agardh [Ulva linza L.] and Ceramium elegans Ducluz. [C. siliquosum (Kütz.) Maggs et Hommers. var. elegans (Roth) G. Furnari] predominate, in the sublittoral zone on the shoal associations of Cladophora sericea (Huds.) Kütz. + Chaetomorpha linum (O.F. Müll.) Kütz. – Ceramium elegans Ducluz. [C. siliquosum (Kütz.) Maggs et Hommers. var. elegans (Roth) G. Furnari] predominate, in the deeper places associations of Cystoseira barbata (Gooden. et Woodw.) C. Agardh – Polysiphonia opaca (C. Agardh) Zanardini + Ceramium elegans [C. siliquosum (Kütz.) Maggs et Hommers. var. elegans (Roth) G. Furnari] (western part of the region) and Cystoseira barbata (Gooden. et Woodw.) C. Agardh – Polysiphonia nigrescens (Dillwyn) Grev. [P. fucoides (Huds.) Grev.] + Ceramium elegans [C. siliquosum (Kütz.) Maggs et Hommers. var. elegans (Roth) G. Furnari] (eastern part) predominate. In the mostly protected places on the soft substrates associations of Zostera marina L. and Z. marina + Z. noltii Hornem. have been noted. Tops and central parts of the Reef Bay, Bulganak Bay and Borzovskaja Bay don`t have permanent vegetative cover because of the intensive movement of substrate. Coastal biotopes are under the preservation according to the EU`s Habitats Directive (92/43 EEC: codes 1160 and 1170). Recommendations for the nature usage optimizations have been given.

Keywords: Azov Sea, Kerch Strait, Crimean Peninsula, Osovinskaya Steppe, biodiversity, macrophytobenthos, distribution, biomass, species composition, Nature Reserve Fund

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