ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2014, 24(4): 451–460
Physiology, Biochemistry, Biophysics

Amino-acid composition of benthic macroscopic growth of algae and bottom sediment in the hyperhaline reservoirs

A.M. Solonenko1, V.A. Khromyshev1, E.I. Maltsev1, A.G. Bren1, M.P. Miasnykova2

Amino-acid composition of benthic algae growth and bottom sediments (peloid) from the hyperhaline reservoirs on the Berdyansk spit and Arabat arrow (north-west coast of the Azov Sea, Ukraine) has been studied and analyzed. Amino-acid composition of benthic algae growth correlates with amino-acids of appropriate peloids on 93–98%. Accumulation of amino-acids in peloids depends on oxidation-reduction conditions in hyperhaline reservoir, biomass quantity and a species structure of benthic algae macroscopic growth.

Keywords: amino-acids, benthic algal growths, hyperhaline ponds, peloid

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