ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2014, 24(4): 504–517
Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and Their Role in Nature

The productive characteristics of experimental glass plates phytoperiphyton and phytoplankton in the Karantinnaya Bay (Crimean coastal waters of the Black Sea)

Ryabushko L.I., Balicheva D.S., Popovichev V.N., Firsov Yu.K., Ryabushko V.I.

The species composition, abundance, biomass and main production indicators of experimental glass plates periphyton microalgae and phytoplankton were studied. Data were obtained using radiocarbon method for the period 2011–2012, in the Karantinnaya Bay of the Black Sea (near Sevastopol). In the glass plates periphyton 66 taxa of microalgae (MA) were found, including Bacillariophyta (55), Dinophyta (5), Chlorophyta (1) and Cyanoprokaryota (5). In 2011 in periphyton greatest abundance and biomass noted in the winter (t = 7.5–8 °C), when it's values varied during the year accordingly (60–1229)·103 cells·cm-2 and from 0.02–14.64 mg·cm-2; dry weight of the periphyton was greatest in March (t = 11 °C), while it's values varied during the year from 1.6 to 10.4 mg·cm-2; the intensity of photosynthesis maximum (1.41 mg C·mg-1·h-1) was in November (t = 8 °C) and gross primary production of phytoperiphyton – in July (517 mg·m-2·d-1, t = 21.5 °C). The concentration of total suspended matter in the water (fraction more than 0.2 µm) varied from 0.3 to 1.1 mgdry·l-1, with maximum in February 2011 (t = 7 °C), and net production of phytoplankton – from 2.2–458.1 mg·m-3·day-1 with maximum in August (t = 22 °C). The results of the data for the production characteristics of microphytobenthos, phytoperiphyton and phytoplankton from different seas of the World ocean are discussed.

Keywords: microalgae, microphytobenthos, phytoperiphyton, phytoplankton, photosynthetic rate, primary production, Black Sea

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