ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2015, 25(2): 135–147
Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and Their Role in Nature

Dynamic of autotrophic plankton example site Belaya River (Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia)

Shkundina F.B., Sahabutdinova D.I.

During period from 1985–1986 and 2010–2012 were compared flora planktonic algae and Cyanoprokaryota. The changes of dominant species and quantitative development of autotrophic plankton were investigated. Water quality were estimated using indices saprobity. Water quality deterioration noted in April.

Keywords: autotrophic plankton, Cyanoprokaryota, algae, long-term changes, index saprobity

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