ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2015, 25(2): 148–173
Flora and Geography

Diatom algae of sand spits of the north western part of the Black Sea (Ukraine)

A.A., Snigirova1, G.V. Kovaleva2

The species diversity of diatom algae of mezophytopsammon in three areas of the north-western part of the Black Sea (Kinburn, Karolino-Bugaz, Budakskaya sand-spits) has been studied. 51 taxa (ranged below genus) of Bacillariophyta from 26 genera were identified. First for north-western part of the Black Sea 5 species were revealed and for the Budakskyi liman – 1 species. Most of found species (17) are motile (epipelic), and only 4 species are attached to the sand grains (epipsammic). With respect to the salinity the diatoms were equally represented by polyhalobes (35%), mezohalobes (35%) and oligohalobes (31%). The greatest number of species was represented by alkaliphilic (88%). High abundance of diatom algae from mezophytopsammon (up to 12 million cells per cm2) indicates its high role in productive processes of coastal ecosystems of the Black Sea.

Keywords: Bacillariophyta, sand spits, Black Sea, mezophytopsammon, epipelic, epipsammic algae

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