ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 9 of 9
Algologia 2017, 27(4): 473–484
New Taxa and Noteworthy Records

Rare species of algae from the reservoirs of Kiev Upland (Ukraine)

Berezovskaya V.Yu.

Paper presents 9 new and noteworthy records of algae found in water bodies of Kiev Upland. They include representatives of Cyanoprokaryota (1), Euglenophyta (1), Chlorophyta (5), and Bacillaryophyta (2). Anabaenopsis circularis (G.S. West) Wolosz. et V.V. Mill. and Phacus tropidonotus W. Conrad are first cited for Ukraine. For Achnanthes lauenburgiana Hust and Acutodesmus javanensis (Chodat) P. Tsarenko it is second locality in Ukraine. Noteworthy records are Scenedesmus bacillaris Gutw., Achnanthidium exiguum (Grunow) Czarn., Gloeotaenium loitlesbergianum Hansg., Acutodesmus regularis (Svirenko) P. Tsarenko, Botryococcus terribilis Komárek et Marvan the rare species of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Their descriptions with original drawings and microphoto are given, as well as data on distribution in Ukraine and general distribution of the species cited.

Keywords: algae, new records, rare species, Kiev Upland, Ukraine

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