ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2018, 28(1): 95–106
Surveys. History of Algology

The history development of algological school at the Odessa University in the period 1865–1890

Kuznetsov V.O., Tkachenko F.P.

The beginning of the algological-floristic research in the South of Ukraine in the second half of the 19th century has been analyzed. It was stated that the main contribution into the algology development during the given period was made by such professors from the University Chair of Botanic as L.S. Tsenkovsky, Y.Y. Valts, L.V. Reingard, L.A. Rishavy, as well as their pupils I. F. Koshug, N.K. Sredinsky, I.V. Krasilshchyk, G.S. Voltke, V.F. Khemelevsky, etc. Their research presents the floristic data upon the certain Odessa region water bodies, of the Crimean coast and of the Black Sea Bay of Odessa. Separate groups of algae (yellow-green algae, diatoms, brown, red and green algae), their species morphological and biological peculiarities, and the origin of the Black Sea algae flora were studied. New methods of algae investigation were worked out. The first Russian Sevastopol marine biological centre was created at L.S. Tsenkovsky’s suggestion. The scientific algologists’ research was carried out in close cooperation with their foreign colleagues; they worked and had professional training in foreign laboratories and took part in scientific expeditions.

Keywords: algological research, Odessa University, history, scientists

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