ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2020, 30(1): 94–108
Surveys. History of Algology

Algological investigations at the Odessa University in 1934–1970

Kuznetsov V.A., Tkachenko F.P.

The further development of algological investigations of the University of Odessa from the 30s The further development of algological investigations of the university from 30s up to 70s years of the XX century was analyzed. At this time, algae research acquired a focused nature. They include investigations of algae flora (Pogrebnyak I.I., Ivanov A.I.), issues of practical use of algae, especially phyllophorа stocks (Lipsky V.I.). A new direction in the study of algae called physiological biochemical was started at this period at the university (Lebedev S.I., Yartseva I.A.), also the research of algocenoses of marine, estuary and partly freshwater areas was expanded. Phytoplankton and the phytobenthos data in the study area were summarized in monographic reports and dissertations of scientists. The scientific algological school of marine biologists – algologists was created under the guidance of Professor I.I. Pogrebnyak.

Keywords: algae, history of investigation, Odessa University

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  1. Aksentiev B.N. 1926a. Diatoms of Kochkovsky swamp in the vicinity of Ekaterinoslav. Zhurn. Rus. bot. obshch-va. 11(1–2): 33–48.
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  9. Buzhenko Yu.P. 1930b. On the taxonomy of the genus Trachelomonas Ehrenberg. Zap. Odes. nauk. tov-va pry UAN. (4): 85–90.
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  19. Ivanov A.I. 1960. Peculiarities of the qualitative composition and quantitative distribution of phytoplankton of North-West part of the Black Sea. Trudy VGBO USSR. 10: 182–196.
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  27. Lebedev V.B. 1916. Observations on the composition and change of surface plankton of the Odessa Bay. Zap. obshchestva s-h yuzh. Rossii 87(1): 100–147.
  28. Lipsky V.I. 1928. A Brief Report on the Sukhoi Estuary Botanical Research. Trudy Ozern. Comis. VUAN. 1: 34–42.
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