ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2014, 24(4): 461–476
Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and Their Role in Nature

The influence of environmental conditions on the catalase activity of Black Sea algae mass

Shakhmatova O.A., Milchakova N.A.

Catalase activity (CA) of 18 Black Sea macrophytes (4 – Chlorophyta, 6 – Phaeophyta and 8 – Rhodophyta) in a gradient of household pollution was studied. Intervals CA found macroalgae, corresponding to the normal functioning of conventionally equal to Ceramium virgatum Roth – 57±12 mcg H2O2/(g•min), for Ulva intestinalis L. – 34±9 mcg H2O2/(g•min), for Cystoseira barbata (Stackh.) C. Agardh – 64±15 H2O2 mcg/(g•min) were detected. Comparative evaluation of CA macroalgae of different taxa to household pollution was described. Values of CA of the red algae was above in polluted waters, compared with relatively clean on average 2.5 time. CA of the green algae were increased by 1.4 times, and the brown, except Cystoseira crinita Duby, have not been found varying values of CA in a gradient of pollution. The change of macrophytes CA with the life cycle and by seasonal rhythms has been shown. During the reproduction period CA of the green algae has been increased values by 1.5–1.8 times, the red algae – 2.7 times, the brown species – 3.7 times. The CA of C. barbata was more compared in the winter and spring periods by 5.3 times. The maximum values of the CA of the macroalgae species were found at the 1 m depth at the spring and summer time, the minimum values of AC were marked on the 10 m depth. In winter period the maximum of CA red algae was recorded at 10 m depth, the brown species is at 3 to 5 m depth. The conclusion about the differences in the adaptation strategy antioxidant system in red, green and brown macroalgae has been done.

Keywords: catalase activity, macrophytes, adaptation, household pollution, Black Sea

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