ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 12 of 42
Algologia 2014, 24(3): 293–296
Physiology, Biochemistry, Biophysics

Antioxidant role of sodium gypsum the Chlorella vulgaris Beij. (Chlorophyta)

Vinyarskaya G.B., Bodnar O.I., Stanislavchuk A.V., Grubinko V.V.

Under the influence of sodium selenite in concentrations based on Se4+ 0.5; 5 and 20 mg/dm3 on Chlorella vulgaris culture activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase increased, but that of catalase decreased.

Keywords: Chlorella vulgaris, selenite, catalase, glutathioneperoxidase, superoxidedismutase

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