ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 3 of 8
Algologia 2018, 28(1): 40–56
Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and Their Role in Nature

Macrophytobenthos of the Cape Tarkhankut coastal water area (the Crimean Peninsula, Black Sea)

Sadogurskiy S.Ye.

Paper deals with composition and distribution of the seaweeds in the coastal water area near Cape Tarkhankut (the Tarkhankut Peninsula, Black Sea). Macrophytobenthos inhabits solid substrate (Sarmatian limestone) which determines the general nature of the vegetation cover (Thalassophycion sclerochthonophytia). In the highly fragmented and undifferentiated to the subzones pseudolittoral zone, the community of Ulva linza (biomass of 0.23 kg/m2) was recorded. In the shallowest areas of the sublittoral, the Cystoseira crinita + Polysiphonia subulifera – Padina pavonica (3.1 kg/m2) community occurred, in the deeper places (at the depth from 2–3 m to 10–12 m) community of Cystoseira crinita + Polysiphonia subulifera – Cladostephus spongiosum (4.5 kg/m2) was observed. Totally 62 species of seaweeds were identified: Chlorophyta – 15, Ochrophyta (Cl. Phaeophyceae) – 14, Rhodophyta – 32. Among them, 19 species occur in the pseudolittoral, and 59 – in sublittoral. Peculiarities of the coastal zone geomorphology in the studied area causes certain structural features of the macrophytobenthos comparing with adjacent sites similar in configuration. However, the nature of vegetation, the composition of the flora and the ratio of the main ecological and floristic indices of macrophytobenthos near the Cape Tarkhankut are characteristic for the Tarkhankut-Sevastopol hydrobotanic region of the Black Sea. Ulothrix implexa (Kütz.) Kütz. and Myrionema seriatum (Reinke) Kylin are new records for mentioned hydrobotanic region. The rare fraction of the flora includes 15 taxa listed in nature conservation registers of various rank; natural biotopes are subject to special protection under the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC). The territorial-aquatic complex of Cape Tarkhankut is important both from nature protection and recreation points of view. Its conservation will contribute to the structural and functional integrity of the ecosystem of the coastal zone of the sea. It would be advisable to include Cape Tarkhankut together with adjacent marine area to the nature conservation fund of state level.

Keywords: Black Sea, seaweeds, Crimean Peninsula, Cape Tarkhankut, macrophytobenthos, species composition, distribution

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