ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
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Algologia 2018, 28(1): 57–67
Flora and Geography

Centric diatom algae of Lake Imandra (Kola Peninsula, Russia)

DenisovD.B.1, Genkal S.I.2

This paper presents the results of an electron microscopy study of bottom sediments (2011–2012) from the largest subarctic lake in the Murmansk Region (Lake Imandra). A total of 20 representatives of the class Centrophyceae have been recorded: Aulacoseira Thw. – 11, Cyclotella Kützing – 3, Discostella Houk et Klee – 2, Handmannia Perag. – 1, Stephanodiscus Ehrenb. – 3. Among them are new for the flora of the lake: Aulacoseira nivaloides (K.E. Camburn) J. English & M. Potapova, A. septentrionalis (K.E. Camburn & D.F. Charles) Genkal & Kulikovskiy, and Discostella stelligera (Cleve & Grunow) Houk & Klee and taxon Stephanodiscus binatus Håkansson & Kling – a new representative of the genus Stephanodiscus for Russia. Mass development of Cyclotella rossii Håkansson and Stephanodiscus minutulus (Kützing) Cleve & J. Möller has been observed in the lake and isolated valves of the rare species Aulacoseira humilis (Cleve-Euler) Genkal & Trifonova in Trifonova & Genkal, A. nivaloides, A. perglabra (Østrup) E.Y. Haw., A. cf. pfaffiana (Reinsch) Krammer and A. septentrionalis have been found at some sampling stations. The maximum number of Centrophyceae representatives (16) has been recorded from the oligotrophic part of the lake (Babinskaya Imandra). The list of Centrophyceae species in Lake Imandra has been expanded to 48 taxa.

Keywords: Kola Penninsula, Lake Imandra, diatoms, electron microscopy, Centrophyceae

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