ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
  • 8 of 9
Algologia 2017, 27(4): 458–472
Flora and Geography

New localities of rare species of Charales in Northwestern Belarus

Vishnyakov V.S.1, Savitskaya K.L.2, Lapirov A.G.1, Belyakov E.A.1,3, Garin E.V.1, Makarevich O.A.4, Zhukova T.V.5

In this paper, the results of observation of some charophyte species protected in Narochanskiy National Park (Minsk Region, Myadzel district) are provided. In summer 2016, the lakes Naroch (Maly stretch), Rudakovo, Shestakovo, and small artificial pond near Romashki were investigated. Charophytes were occurred forming dense communities on sandy or silty bottoms at 0.5–3.0 m depth. A total of eight Chara species were identified, including four species currently listed on the Red Data Book of Belarus (Ch. aspera Willd., Ch. globularis Thuill., Ch. rudis (A. Braun) Leonh., and Ch. tomentosa L.), and three species previously known by old literature sources without precise data about locations (Ch. strigosa A. Braun, Ch. intermedia A. Braun, Ch. virgata Kütz.). The most interesting locations of rare species Ch. strigosa, Ch. rudis, and Ch. tomentosa belong to evorsion Lake Rudakovo, location of Ch. virgata to Lake Shestakovo, and location of Ch. intermedia to the pond. The state of knowledge, distribution and conservation status for all detected species are discussed. The relict rare Ch. strigosa is recommended to list on the next edition of the Red Data Book of Belarus as vulnerable.

Keywords: Charales, new records, rare species, algae conservation, Belarus

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