Microphytobenthos of various reservoirs of Кіnburnska sandy braid (NPP "Biloberezhzha of Svyatоslаv", Ukraine)


Gerasimiuk V.P.*
Odesa I.I. Mechnykov National University, Department of Hydrobiology and General Ecology, 2 Dvoryanska Str., Odesa 65082, Ukraine


Flora and Geography


Vol. 32 No. 1 (2022)






Taxonomical composition of microscopic algae of different reservoirs (Dnieper estuary, Kefalny, Guryansky and Cherepashy lakes, Yagorlytsky Bay) of the Kinburn sand spit of north-western part of the Black Sea (National Nature Park “Biloberezhzha of Svyatoslav”) is studied. Material tests that is collected on sandy and silty soils served as for researches, and also in becoming overgrown with of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, Mya arenaria L., Cerastoderma lamarcki Reeve and Balanus improvisus Darwin, macroscopic algae (Ceramium virgatum Roth, Cladophora vagabunda (L.) Hoek, C. siwaschensis C.Meyer, Ulva intestinalis L., Polysiphonia elongata (Huds.) Harv.) of Kіnburnska braid from September in 2019 for October in 2021. On the whole it was collected and analysed 90 standards. 116 species of microscopic algae are educed, that to 74 genera, 52 families, 31 orders, 9 classes, 6 divisions, belong, 3 kingdoms and 2 empires. After systematic composition Bacillariophyta (76 species) prevailed above Cyanophyta (26), Chlorophyta (7), Dinophyta (3), Chrysophyta (3) and by Haptophyta (1). 86 species of algae were found in the microphytobenthos of Yagorlyk Bay, 56 in Dnieper estuary, 33 in Cherepashy, 22 in Guryansky and 17 in Kefalny lakes. As a result of researches it was educed 2 new and 4 rare species of microscopic algae for the aquatorium of the Black Sea.


microphytobenthos, Кіnburnska sandy braid, NNP “Biloberezhzha of Svyatoslav”, Black Sea, Ukraine


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Gerasimiuk V.P. 2022. Microphytobenthos of various reservoirs of Кіnburnska sandy braid (NPP "Biloberezhzha of Svyatоslаv", Ukraine). Algologia. 32(1): 20–34. https://doi.org/10.15407/alg32.01.020