Seasonal dynamics of algal flora of Lake Zasvitske (Rivne region, Ukraine)


Sukhodolska I.L.*, Basaraba I.V.
Rivne State University Humanities, 12, Stepana Bandery Str., Rivne 33028, Ukraine


Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and their Role in Nature


Vol. 33 No. 2 (2023)





The study deals with the algal flora of Lake Zasvitske (Rivne region, Ukraine). They belong to 8 divisions, 13 classes, 24 orders, 34 families and 51 genera. Totally 61 species of algae (62 intraspecies taxa) were identifiedhe. It was shown that Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanobacteria and Streptophyta play the significant role in lake phytoplankton development. According to the population Shannon diversity index varies from 2.13 bit/spec. (October) to 3.89 bit/spec. (July), and according to biomass this index varies from 1.63 bit/spec. (June) tо 4.10 bit/spec. (July). In the lake phytoplankton poly-dominant structure prevails. In Lake Zasvitske the phytoplankton core is developed with planktonic-benthic and planktonic species, slow-flowing species according to water saturation with oxygen and rheophilicity, indifferent species in relation to the density, pH level of the environment and water temperature, mesoeutrophic ones and species with wide amplitude according to the trophic level. Eurysaprobes (according to the Watanabe system) and beta-mesosaprobionts (according to the Pantle-Buk system as modified by Sladechek are predominant among indicator species of organic water pollution.


biomass, bioindication, number, spatial distribution, species richness, Shannon index


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Sukhodolska I.L., Basaraba I.V. 2023. Seasonal dynamics of algal flora of Lake Zasvitske (Rivne region, Ukraine). Algologia. 33(2): 83–97.