Algal diversity and its relationship with seasonal variation of water quality in Gajedi Lake, Rupandehi District (Nepal)


Pushpa Poudel1, Narayan Prasad Ghimire2*, Shiva Kumar Rai1
1 Phycology Research Lab., Department of Botany, Degree Campus, Tribhuvan University, Biratnagar, Nepal
2 Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal


Ecology, Cenology, Conservation of Algae and their Role in Nature


Vol. 34 No. 3 (2024)





The current study focuses on the algal diversity of Gajedi Lake in different seasons in connection to the lake's water quality indicators. Algae and water samples were collected from eight peripheral sites of the lake in summer, rainy, and winter seasons in 2021. The water temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids, hardness, alkalinity, phosphorus, free CO2, and dissolved oxygen were recorded as high during the summer season while water pH was high during the rainy season. Altogether 93 species of algae were reported under 52 genera, 30 families, 7 classes and 6 phyla in this study. The largest phylum was Bacillariophyta (44.08%) followed by Chlorophyta (17.20%), Euglenozoa (10.97%), Cyanobacteria (12.90%), Charophyta (10.75%) and Miozoa (1.07%). The Shannon-Weiner diversity index indicated high abundance during the summer season, with more evenly distributed algal species. More algal species were recorded in the winter season. Trachelomonas, Navicula, and Nitzschia were dominant genera during summer; Anagostidinema, Desmodesmus, and Pinnularia were dominant during rainy; and Trachelomonas, Tetradesmus, and Gomphonema were dominant during winter. The redundancy analysis ordination showed that the algal composition varied along with the seasonal changes in physico-chemical parameters. Temperature, pH, and conductivity were thus identified as significant factors influencing species richness.


algal composition, diversity index, physico-chemical parameters, Nepal


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Pushpa Poudel, Narayan Prasad Ghimire, Shiva Kumar Rai. 2024. Algal diversity and its relationship with seasonal variation of water quality in Gajedi Lake, Rupandehi District (Nepal). Algologia. 34(3): 227-248.