About the Journal
Algologia is an international Open Access journal covering various aspects of the scientific study of algae. Since 1991 the journal quarterly publishes peer reviewed original research and review articles on a wide range of issues in the field of phycology: floristics, systematics, taxonomy, ecology, geography, physiology, biochemistry, genetic studies of pro- and eukaryotic algae, as well as paleoalgology, algal biotechnology and conservation. Considerable attention is paid to studies of the interaction of algae with other organisms, their role as components of natural ecosystems. The journal also presents methodological and procedure articles, reviews, short communications, information about scientific forums and memorable articles about prominent phycologists. The international editorial board of the journal includes well-known experts in algae, each of whom is also a scientific editor of a certain section. The primary criterion for acceptance of the article is the originality of the material, scientific, technical validity and value for the development of phycology research.
ISSN (print) 0868-8540, (online) 2413-5984
Published by M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 1991.
Selected papers from Algologia translated into English are quarterly published in the International Journal on Algae (Print ISSN 1521-9429, online ISSN 1940-4328) by Begell House, Inc. (USA) and is included in the international database Scopus.
Frequency: 4 issues per year.
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English.